Guests Peggy Daley and Juliet Sorensen, formerly of Cook County Board of Ethics,
join David Orr, co-hosted by Reform for Illinois
CHICAGO, Illinois -- Cook County has a political patronage problem. Political hiring and firing has been around for years, and is used by both parties. In the last election, voters finally ousted Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios, who was infamous for hiring family members. In April, a federal judge ruled that Cook County Clerk Karen Yarborough had engaged in "clear violations" of anti-patronage rules. And just weeks ago, the Cook County Inspector General issued a scathing report on hiring practices at the Cook County Board of Review. On Tuesday, August 4, Good Government Illinois hosts a Virtual Town Hall discussion about ethics in Cook County government. Special guests Peggy Daley and Juliet Sorensen, both former members of the Board of Ethics, join former Cook County Clerk and Alderman David Orr for a discussion co-hosted by Reform for Illinois's David Melton. The event is free to the public but requires advance registration.
     WHAT: Good Government Illinois Virtual Town Hall
               on Ethics in Cook County Government
    WHEN: Tuesday, August 4, 2020, 7:00 p.m. CT
    HOW TO JOIN:   The event is free but requires advance registration: